then we start to keep the clothes cleans :)

one time, I liked white.. anything such as clothes. it seems clean and comfortable.. if I buy a clothes, I prefer the white color than other one.. until one day I’m tired of keeping the origins 🙄 I thought I should choose other color 😛 cause it became a wash trouble.. difficult to clean but easy to stained 😥

well after all this time trying falling in love with other color, this heart can’t pretend continuously.. at last I learned one thing 💡

must be willing dropping extra sweat to maintain and clean the white clothes, since basically keeping somethings white’s more harder than keeping somethings black.. yeah, when we tend to choose a kindness, there would be more struggle to keep it istiqomah..

well then, now I like the white shirt again 😆 and I am ready to keep it continues to be white .. remember use bleach at perfect doses, no less and no more. bleaching excessively can destructive the fabrics and white colors :mrgreen: